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Advent & Christmas at
St. Luke's

Comfort, O Comfort
by Lauren Wright Pittman
Inspired by Isaiah 40:1-11

Please join us!
You are welcome here this season and always.

Sunday morning worship at 8am & 10:30am*
*Nursery care available

December 1st, 5:30pm: Advent Lessons & Carols
The clergy, choirs, and members of St. Luke's will lead a service of Scripture and music to begin the Advent season.

December 24th, 4pm: Christmas Eve Pageant and Holy Eucharist
Our children, teens, and choirs will lead us in a joyful retelling of Christ's birth. 

December 24th, 11pm: Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist
Prelude music begins at approximately 10:30pm.

December 25th, 10am: Christmas Day Holy Eucharist

December 25th, 3pm: Organ Noels

A festive hour of music by Stephen Williams

A Healing Eucharist is offered in the Chapel every Wednesday at 5:30pm. 


Sunday Liturgies:

8:00AM- Holy Eucharist, Rite I

10:30AM- Holy Eucharist. Rite II*

5:30PM- Evensong* (last Sunday of each month)

*also livestreamed via Facebook


Daily Office in our Chapel:

8:00AM, Monday-Friday, Morning Prayer

5:30PM, Monday-Friday, Evening Prayer*

*Wednesday is Healing Eucharist with Communion

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131 W. Council St. 

Salisbury, NC 28144



Office hours: 

Mon-Thurs, 9am-2pm, or by appt.


Church open to the public:

Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm


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