Visiting St. Luke's
Intentional Worship
Our worship creates a space for a transcendent experience in which we can experience God’s transforming, comforting, and challenging message of love.
At the heart of what we do is worship, as worship gathers us, forms us, and bestows God’s blessings upon us. Our worship is intentional in that it is part of a deeply rooted and holy tradition that dates back hundreds of generations. Our liturgies are done deliberately and with deep reverence to the God who created, redeemed, and sustains all thing. The major liturgies of our church are all centered around the Eucharist – that sacred meal in which we are invited to behold what we are and become what we receive, that is, the Body of Christ.
Our Intentional Worship is built around the Sacraments of the Church.
"Sacraments are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace"
(Book of Common Prayer, p. 857).
Besides Baptism (click here to view our Guidelines for Baptism) and the Eucharist (Holy Communion), the church celebrates other sacramental rites as spiritual markers in our journey of faith. These include:
Confirmation (the adult affirmation of our baptismal vows). Please contact the Rector for more information.
Reconciliation of a Penitent (private confession). These pages from Martin Smith's Reconciliation: Preparing for Confession in The Episcopal Church may be helpful in preparing for this sacramental rite. Reconciliation is typically offered in Lent on Wednesdays or anytime by appointment with the Rector. Here is a helpful FAQ on Confession.
Matrimony (Christian marriage) Click here to view St. Luke's wedding guidelines.
Holy Orders (ordination as a deacon, priest, or bishop)
Unction (anointing with oil those who are sick or desiring strength to face the struggles of life). St. Luke's has a weekly service of Holy Eucharist with unction - Wednesdays at 5:30pm in the Chapel.
If you would like the clergy to be allowed to receive medical updates in the event of severe and incapacitating illness, please have this form on file at the church office and also provide to any long-term health care providers.
These liturgies help us to be a sacramental people, seeing God always at work around us. In addition to these Sacramental liturgies, there are also liturgical rites for the loss of an unborn child, house blessings, and funerals (and pretty much any situation you might find yourself in - know that we want to prayerfully support you in all things). Please contact the Rector with questions about any of these situations.
Funeral guidelines are available here
Our Columbarium Guildelines are available here